Thursday, January 9, 2014

Urinate Now

Urinate Now is a new book that provides people with natural remedies for their shy bladder, simple exercises, step-by-step techniques, and tips to overcome paruresis quickly. This book also introduces to people easy ways to control their fear and anxiety, advanced shy bladder treatments, and step-by-step instructions on how to cure the condition of paruresis permanently and quickly. In addition, the book indicates that paruresis is a type of phobia in which the sufferer is unable to urinate in the real presence of other people such as in a public restroom. Furthermore, this book was penned by Jake Rubin - a shy bladder sufferer. In this book, people will know how he suffered from this condition for over 10 years, and how he cured it within seven days with two simple rules. Moreover, people also find out all necessary information about shy bladder such as types, symptoms, causes, and treatments. After Jake Rubin launched the “Urinate Now” book, a lot of customers have used it for learning how to follow two rules that he used to get rid of his paruresis permanently and quickly.

The book also reveals that paruresis is known by many colloquial terms such as bashful bladder, mental cloggery, bashful kidneys, urophobia, stage fright, pee fright, pee-shyness, the slow dribbles, public piss syndrome, creeping pee-pee, and shy bladder syndrome. In addition, in this book, people will learn how to use two simple rules that can help them stop their shy bladder syndrome. The first rule is that people do not face it head on. The second rule is that people need to add a new routine when they go to the rest room. Furthermore, with this book, people have nothing to do with hypnosis, herbal supplements or diets, gradual exposure therapy, lengthy therapy or workshops, and catheterization.

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