Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Online Dog Trainer program

The Online Dog Trainer program is owned by "Doggy Dan" who is a professional dog trainer of many years experience in training dogs of all breeds; large, small and medium in size and stature.

Doggy Dan teaches that training dogs must be done with patience and calmness on the part of the dog's owner, thereby eliminating fear from your dog's learning experiences.

Doggy Dan's teaching is for the owner as well as the puppy or dog, as it is essential that the owner learns how to become the pack leader because without gaining the essential skills of a pack leader an owner is unlikely to be successful with training their dog.

Training provided in The Online Dog Trainer is through means of videos and these videos are explicit in that I was able to see almost immediate improvement in a dog's behavior after a short period of time with Doggy Dan's training.

It is quite incredible to compare the response of a dog being led or guided by a professional as opposed to that same dog having reacted so poorly to his owner.

This is the beauty of The Online Dog Trainer program as you have the resource available to become as good as the professional by just simply watching the video as many times as you need for that particular training you are working on with your dog or puppy.

Learning by watching video is so easy, particularly for those who enjoy visual learning rather than having to read and re-read screeds of text. As much as text has it's place, video wins hands down in my opinion as you are seeing the trainer and the dog working together.

Doggy Dan also teaches how dogs react to one another socially, and explains what each dog is doing and why they are reacting in a particular way. These reactions are not usually understood by the lay person, but when explained by a professional such as Doggy Dan it makes perfect sense.

I have put strong emphasis on the video training there is text information in the program of "Important points", "Q & A's" and information in respect to dangers such as incorrect food for a dog, spaying and neutering and health and diet.

Whether you are training a Miniature Schnauzer. a Schnoodle, a Labrador Retriever, a Border Terrier or whatever breed of dog you are training, you will learn all the skills you need from Doggy Dan the Online Dog Trainer.

There is so much more I could tell you about this incredible dog training program but I truly believe that the best way for you to learn is by experiencing some of the videos for yourself.

If you want to be proud of your puppy or dog, as well as proud of the way you have trained him or her, then I suggest that you learn more about what The Online Trainer program is about.

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