Saturday, January 11, 2014

Penny Stock Egghead Review

"Penny Stock Egghead" is a premium penny stock picks service. After you sign up, picks are sent to you in the format of a high quality newsletter once a week. They are sent at the end of the business week on Thursday or Friday. You have no obligation to trade the picks sent to you but they make finding the very best penny stocks much easier if you do decide to trade them. I make a small fortune from these picks alone.

The Penny Stock Egghead service was originally designed for investors brand new to penny stock trading. While the service does make it extremely easy for the beginner, the picks have been so accurate advanced traders have taken notice and have signed up for this service in droves. This service has become one of the most successful penny stock picks services available.

The mastermind behind this service is Nathan Gold. As it turns out, Nathan has an uncanny intuition for finding unknown companies that are poised to take off in the very near future. This intuition, combined with his keen mathematical mind, has made him one of the most successful penny stock traders in the world. He also has a special knack for boiling things down in a very easy to understand way. This makes his newsletter a very enjoyable read each week. I'm always hoping it will be there on Thursday instead of Friday so I can read it sooner.

It must be very gratifying to Nathan that Penny Stock Egghead has reached more types of investors than he originally planned. I'm sure he's also pleased by the fact that so many beginning penny stock investors have discovered that with his picks they can make a nice profit right from the start and spending only a couple of hours a week. Nathan's service helps investors who are brand new to any type of stock trading and investors who have traded stocks in the more traditional way but were always afraid to try penny stocks before they found Nathan's picks.

I've personally found this not to be true at all. I've found that if you share some of your secrets and genuinely try to help people, what you end up getting back is far greater. I think Nathan Gold figured this out a long time ago and this is probably one of the reasons he is such a good sleuth on finding stocks that most others haven't yet figured out are about to take off - I'm sure he gets tips from all over because people are so thankful for what he has provided them.

By the way, which type of stock trading do you think can make you the most money? Penny stock trading or traditional trading?

Well, considering that the S&P 500, an index of 500 small cap stocks, consistently outperforms the blue chips year after year, the answer should be quite obvious but I find that many investors think just the opposite. They've heard that all of them are scams. This is not at all true. Some are, in fact many are quite frankly, but there are some that are true gems. I like to say it is like finding a diamond in a garbage dump! If you can eliminate the scams that do exist and trade only the high quality ones, penny stocks can make you far more money and much faster than traditional stocks. It can actually work to your advantage that others don't want to trade them - less competition. Nathan knows this well.

Nathan Gold's Penny Stock Egghead service automatically eliminates the scams for you and sends you on the best high quality penny stock picks. I think of Nathan as a "scam buster" as he can spot a scam a mile away. He fishes out only the best quality small cap companies that are trading with an extremely low price - for less than $5 per share (in fact, often less than a dollar per share) so you can buy them while they are still dirt cheap. He is also always on the look-out for stocks that are selling in this low range but are just about to really take off. You can often make a 50 % - 100 % profit very quickly.

"Penny Stock Egghead" is a premium penny stock picks service. The Penny Stock Egghead service was originally designed for investors brand new to penny stock trading. Nathan's service helps investors who are brand new to any type of stock trading and investors who have traded stocks in the more traditional way but were always afraid to try penny stocks before they found Nathan's picks.

Penny stocks can make you far more money and much faster than traditional stocks if you can eliminate the scams that do exist and trade only the high quality ones. Nathan Gold's Penny Stock Egghead service automatically eliminates the scams for you and sends you on the best high quality penny stock picks.

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