Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Addict Him Review

Addict Him is for women who are dating or who are already in a relationship, and want to make it the best it can be, so that they can keep the happiness they feel now for the rest of their lives.

It is also for women whose relationships are not as great as they could be, or are beginning to have problems, come under strain or even to fall apart.

If there’s any part of men’s behaviour that you have found baffling in the past, the answers to what you didn’t understand are here. You are encouraged to love yourself and trust your intuition more, because other people’s opinion of you is always closely related to your opinion of yourself. What you FEEL is very important in making you not just the person you are, but also a woman who is more attractive to men.

It encourages you to live in the now.

Women make mistakes with men that sabotage their relationships because they don’t really understand how men experience love, and how to attract them. A lot of the things that women do naturally are in fact man repellents.

If you’ve ever asked yourself one of these questions, or experienced one of these problems:
- I thought we had something real – why does he keep backing away?
- Is he shutting me out on purpose?
- Every time I try to get closer he just pushes me further away
- Why can’t we just be happy together?
- Why can’t he just open up and tell me how he really feels about me?
- Why won’t he commit?
- Did I do something wrong?

then Addict Him will provide you with the answer.

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